Saturday, July 11, 2009

A beautiful Baby!!!

Pictures after the delivery!

Moms first hold of the baby!

Dad got second hold

Keziah was thorougly the placenta was interesting

Dad was explaing all the about where the baby stayed for the first 9 months of his life to Keziah

Mrs. Taylor holding the baby

Keziah got to play in the placenta while the midwife showed her everything

Keziah got first hold of all the kids!

Megan (the midwifery student that actually delivered the baby) and
Heather (the midwife who oversaw everything)

The whole family!

Malachi and Azariah

Jos and the baby

Keziah and Malachi

Azariah Jotham Frye

The mother, daughter look! :)

lots of eyes watching this little guy!

Kez and Azariah

Getting first Bath

Malachi was feeling a bit neglected/tired that night so he snuggled with mom.
Sooo cute!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Baby Pictures!!!!

We have been blessed with another beautiful child! He was born June 30th 2009 at 4:17 Pm. His name is Azariah (which means whom God helps) Jotham (which means the Lord is perfect).
Here are some of the pictures but come back soon and we should have more!!!!
Love to all

Waiting for baby to come!

Mom and our wonderful friend who helped with the delivery Lisa Taylor

Rayni, Hosanna and Keziah waiting for the action to come

Keziah got icecream while we were waiting

Dads explaining everything to Rayni :) and at the moment she had her eyes closed

The two midwives at the delivery

:) Keziah keeping an eye on the contractions

Mom and Dad at the one point the contractions weren't to bad

Getting ready to go!!!!