Beginning of August Jed on up to Jos went to Awana Camp. Jos was a couselor and the rest of us were still campers (although it was Rayni's last year). This is a picture of two of my amazing cabin mates Sarah and Kristin.

This summer my dad took me to a wonderful 21 mile bike trail up in the mountains that he had discovered, it was a lot of fun! After having so much fun we decided to do it again with some friends of ours made some great memories while on the trail.
Mom and Dad at the beach (they sure are a gorgeous couple don't ya think ;-)?) All of us kids are blessed to have such wonderful parents!
We also got to go camping with the Cooper family, who have been good family friends for a while, and it was a blessing to be able to spend that time with them.
This little guy is getting older way to fast. :D He loves his "com-pooter" as he calls it and is quite the big boy when he carries it around with his little bible.
The whole family! [We had a hard time trying to get all the heads in there :-)]
Its FALL....nope, now its winter. And sadly fall has gone already.
First week of November Dad, Zeb, Jos, Rayni and I went Elk hunting. The weather actually turned out being beautiful and Jos was able to shoot a nice 4x4 bull Elk.
The Speech and Debate season has started and its Jed's first year in the 'big league'. He's doing an excellent job and this is a picture of him and Jason (whose first year it is also). They accidentally matched that day and I couldn't help but get a pic.
The Little Guy and mom, being both cute and distracting!!
We have a walk-around part behind our back fence and this year it flooded. So the kids decided to keep up the annual tradition (if there's water) to go try out the new pool for them. Haha, conviently using the kiddy pools as their boats. This is the pic of Jed and Malachi.
....and here's Keziah! She got the smaller one to try and direct all by herself.
Isn't he a cutie? I love this little kid!
Yep, those two next to me? They're awesome, yep pretty much downright awesome!!! I'm so blessed to have them in my family! Or should I say to be in theirs?
Zeb and Malachi
The 'big boys' Jos and Zeb. Haha, this picture seems to sum up both their relationship and their personalities!
Dad and Azzy!
Dad, Azariah, and Zeb!!
Jed with our Christmas tree for this year. We actually went to a tree farm this year, rather than our normal up in the mountains tree hunting. It sorta felt like we were cheating, but it was still fun and we got a tree that actually looks like a Christmas tree. Haha
Dad's new mustache! What'da ya think?
[To the Side]: Malachi and Kez drinking Cider and Hot-chocolate!
[Below] A close up picture of Malachi
Rayni, Keziah, Mom, Hosanna and Malachi |
We also have Granddad here with us for a few weeks, what a blessing he is! He's been a lot of fun. Its been an amazing last few months! But it wouldn't be so amazing if it weren't for a wonderful family and spectacular God.
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