It's their 26th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! They've spent over half their lives married, had eight kids and survived so far. Pretty amazing right?!
They've raised/still are raising eight kids, brought them to Christ, taught them to follow and live for Him and taught them a lot of what they know, and they've grown closer on the journey. There have been fun times, hard times, silly times, crazy times, sad times, adventurous times, learning times, and hard to describe times.
Following God and His path. They may not be perfect (who is?) but they were perfect for each other and all eight kids. They took Deuteronomy 6:6-7 and lived it out. Impressing God's commandments on their children. They've lived a ministry of teaching and encouraging both their kids and those around them to follow God. To look for His call and live, work, serve, and go 'all out' for Him. Leading by example. Two amazing people serving an amazing God.
Who are they? Well, there my Parents!
I've been so blessed to have you as my mom and dad, thanks for teaching me about God, and His love and starting me on my life adventure and for being an example. You guys are amazing and I love you both!